Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Kids are Readers Too!

I wanted to share a couple of "children's" books with you.  Both can be read by young readers but they also lend themselves well to be read to the child!

There are a LOT of children's books out there, some are silly stories, some just stories, and others teach a lesson or educate kids.  I think that both of these fit into an "education" category but one that the kids and the parents can enjoy.

Engineering Elephants by Dr. Emily Hunt and Dr. Michelle Pantoya is a fun book with short verse and colourful illustrations that explores engineering fields.

Engineering Elephants
(click able link)

"As engineering professors, we have both been teaching at the university level and conducting research in nanotechnology and engineering education for several years. After having our families, we have discovered that there is a lack of children's books on engineering geared toward young children ages 4-8. Engineering education is a growing issue in our nation, and all research points towards engaging children in engineering concepts when they are at these young, impressionable ages. We have developed this children's book on engineering targeted for ages 4-8 based on experiences that we have had in engineering education and research. Our goal with this book is to show children some exciting things that engineers design and engage them through humor and their own creativity."

Oil People by Natalie Bright is one that can be read to a child but it is probably more for a reader in grade school.

Oil People
(click able link)

"Exploring for crude oil 101: Meeting the people who bring you American energy. From the back-breaking labour of drilling to the precision of seismic interpretation, these workers represent a varied workforce of family owned businesses to skilled scientists; a specialized group who have devoted their life's work to the discovery of crude. Filled with photos, you can meet the workers, tour the job site, learn what's in a 42-gallon barrel, discover the early ages of drilling, and find out what makes this global product so important. Step into the fascinating world of crude oil."

These are both great books that will introduce the child to the world of Engineering and the world of Petroleum.

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