Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Christian Life through Humor

Although the Bible does not "tell us so" I am pretty sure Jesus laughed in his lifetime...........and I know that I have said more that once that God sometimes has a strange sense of humour when it comes to events in my life and the world.  Surely he had to have been laughing up a storm when he designed the Platypus!

A college friend, Randy Ray, recently published a book that looks at his life and his Christian life through humour tinted glasses.  Randy is a professor at West Texas A&M University in the Department of Communications.

His book, Thank The Lord For Leroy is a wonderful experience! 

"What do a pink van, ice cream, too many hats, and a speeding ticket have to do with our relationship with Christ? At first glance, one might think, Not much. In Thank the Lord for Leroy, author Randy Ray walks us through his journey in life with some off-the-wall and amusing stories. These stories are sometimes insightful, often thought-provoking, but always humorous. He introduces us to things like an iron-stealing ferret, what it's like to fall into an orchestra pit, and-very importantly-why donuts are so much better than bagels. Ray also describes what it is like when a math-avoiding parent meets that inevitable day when a child needs help with math homework. From experience, Randy tells what it is like to start a Christian band, sign a record deal, and embark on the craziness that comes with being on the road. He also takes a lighthearted and poignant look at Christian marriage and family. Through it all, his off-beat friend Leroy provides him with a "friend who sticks closer than a brother" -even if, at times, you wish he didn't!"

Thank Thank The Lord For Leroy will be a great addition your book collection and it also makes a great gift!

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